as we count down to Baby Kadelyn's arrival ~!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

- pregnancy countdown -

Sunday, October 23, 2011

22.10.2011: peek-a-boo ~!


as first-time parents, we are really curious how our baby looks like, and who she resemble!
so we decided to go for a 3D scan for the fun of it.. ;p

have initially took a day off on 14-Oct, and book an appt with RadLink Diagnostic Imaging at Paragon Medical.for a 3D-cum-4D pregnancy scan...
but we were awfully disappointed as bb Kadelyn refused to cooperate!!
the sonographer spent a good twenty minutes trying to coax her, wake her up; and even after i went for a walk, she still simply refused to move...
she was in a head down-butt high position... she must be in such a comfortable position that she's simply enjoying her afternoon nap....
no choice, the sonographer asked us to come back another day and we were not charged...

as we cant find a suitable date, so we decided to go to Parkway East Hospital instead for a 3D scan..
managed to secure a slot on the following Saturday...
it was during that week, that i sensed that she has head down, and true enough, during the 3D scan, the sonographer confirmed she was head down...
Kudos to her for being very patience, and we managed to capture a few pictures of baby Kadelyn ;)

this is the clearest pic of the lot, and Jason and My favourite pic!
she was playing with her umbilical cord! :D

Ps: there are a few pics which portray her grouchyness, does resemble me! LOL
hope she doesnt have the ugly button nose like me!