as we count down to Baby Kadelyn's arrival ~!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

- pregnancy countdown -

Monday, December 12, 2011


A busy day but time well spent I guess!

Went for deluxe big breakfast then set off for shopping!

Got another nursing bra meant for outdoor wear at John Little (quite like the brand - impression )
Then got a elastic rubber skirt from patch for myself!
Want to shop more but skeptical abt the size to buy! No confidence of slimming down soon! Boo! ;(

Then, Jason who is in a gd mood went on a shopping spree!
He bought 2 business wear long pants n 2 short sleeve blouse frm G2000..
Having spent more than $120 with POSB everyday card, we qualify for a instant dip lucky draw!
As usual, no luck with the big prize of iPod nano but instead win a $15 cash voucher to be spent by 15/12!!
Aiyo.. Such a short timeframe.. Wanted to get some socks but can't find them, wonder if they carry socks in the first place??!

Thereafter proceed to NTUC extra to get a fan to be placed in the study room..
Think it's essential to get one since we ve decided to have the CL sleep with bb in the study room instead so we need to provide a gd fan..
Cz Jason n I will b sleeping in the bb's room as the aircon in the master bedroom doesn't seem to b working ! ;(
Moreover, after the confinement period, guess I will b spending most of the time in the study room with bb as well so we will definitely need a fan!
Think we got a gd deal, a aerogaz fan remote control plus fully electronically operated at $35.. ;)

Jason set it up n it's fully operational now...

Then we tested the pigeon steriliser ..
We need to sterilise the steriliser for first time use..
Then we proceed to sterilise 5 pigeon bottles n Medela breast pumps..
The rapid steam steriliser is really fast n efficient n can accommodate 5bottles but the accessory tray seems too small for the 5 teats+ caps + breast pump accessory..

Initially, Jason n I were puzzled y does it only require 120mls of water then we realise that the main objective is to sterilise and not to wash!
We should have washed all the bottles n stuff with brush n pigeon soap after use, then final stage of sterilising...
Fast n furious n everything is done in 6mins!

Packed and setup everything in place!
Oh yes, settled the buffet catering for baby's full month too!
Catering from Ye Lai Siang - order placed n confirmed!
Just to prepare some additional cutlery! Shall buy from SKP nearer to the date!

Set off to sushi tei for a gd family dinner!!
My final dose of gongcha before I pop!!

PS: posted online at the forum to ask if I can find daily rated CL since Aunty siew Lian can only commence on sun!
I foresee I will definitely need help on fri n sat after I discharged!
Eileen replied thAt she will check with her CL n hopefully she's able n willing to help out for the 2days!
It is not a problem if money can solve it!
Keeping my fingers crossed thAts she's ok to take up the job!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Final verdict by Dr Kee:

Elective Csect with epidural on
13.12.11 at 8am..

Both Jason and I are very happy with the time slot and timing as this is what we suggested to Dr Kee.. ;)
Luckily he agreed and it falls within his schedule! Else, I will have to waste $500 just to book my desired timing!

So we will have to check in around 11.30pm-12am on 12/12, which was fine with us since this indicates we will only be charged for 13/12..
Anyways, Jason prefer that I check in on 12/12 after 11pm so as to settle all the documents and miscellaneous , and to rest before the surgery!

Still feeling very skeptical and a little worried about the surgery!
Praying for a smooth delivery and baby will be healthy n well!

On a side note, went to pay deposit for bb full month celebration..
Guess what, we decided to host it at bukit batok CSC club instead of Jurong Safra club.. Main reasons are bcoz we can't engage our own vendor and the timing is frm 5pm - 9pm..
But CSC club allows us to have our caterer n pretty flexible with the timing frm 5pm-10pm n also inclusive of free coffee n tea thru out the event..
Bonus would be a customised banner with bb pic and some simple balloon decorations!

So venue settled! Pending would be the customised kit kat and the buffet catering!

Counting down!

Friday, December 9, 2011

last nite was a nightmare for me...
thru-out my pregnancy, i didnt have much problems with sleeping..
even though i woke up several times to pee during second trimester, i can almost fall back to sleep quite quickly!
but ever since i reached third trimester, or is it due to the constant thoughts and concerns about the nearing delivery; ive been having intermittent sleep!
quality sleep is practically a foreign concept nowadays! :(

last nite, i woke up at 2.30pm for pee, and couldnt get back to sleep till 5.30pm!
so u can imagine a zombified penguin at work!
but on the happier note, i can sense and feel baby Kadelyn's movements which put me at ease..
since the Dr Chang and Dr Yeo have been stressing on me to constantly monitor the baby movements!

how time flies, today marks my last working day of the day, and i will officially commence my 19 weeks of leave; and will only be back to work end April next year!
though many envy that it's a long break for me, but im totally skeptical about what lies ahead!
imagine a first-time mommy coping with an infant, and having to manage my c-sect wound!
certainly doesnt sound the least relaxing!

whatever it shall be or it may be, i just gotta stay positive to deal with it!
gonna enjoy the company X'mas Feast tonite at The Line - Shangrila Hotel !!

and tmr will be D-Day, the day whereby the verdict will be made!
keeping my fingers crossed for the best!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

now that my c-sect maybe brought forward to early next week instead of the initially scheduled 19-Dec,
that means Baby Full Month Celebration will be earlier :)

Instead of 14th January, it will be on the 7th Jan... Would still prefer a saturday evening...
As discussed earlier with Jason, he still prefer a 1-stop provider instead of sourcing for the venue and caterer separately...
hence we will be checking out the pool side party room at Jurong Safra this Saturday..
hopefully, we will be able to firm up all the details by this saturday before i pop next week!

hence, redesigned the invitation cards

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Naughty Baby !

: juz complete my detailed scan by Dr TC Chang, and was given the below findings:
Bb growing at abt 5th percentile, still in breech position, and high resistance blood flow to bb..,
So he suggested to take bb out by next mon/tues..,
My gynae will only be back tis sat so can only firm up the dates n details then..
My bb leaves me with no choices, guess I juz ve to remain positive..,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Went for the scheduled CTG scan + Full Fetal Scan with Doppler at Thomson Medical Centre this morning..

Everything was good and well for the CTG..
There are 2 ratings with graphs plotted based on the ratings..
1 indicates the Fetal heartbeat while the other indicates the Contraction rate..

Thereafter proceed to do the Fetal assessment with Doppler scan..
Results are not good as the baby is growing at or below the 5th percentile plus there is still high resistance in the doppler blood flow..

Went to Dr KC Yeo (relief gynae) for review of results..
He was very worried with the results and suggested that I go for another Fetal assessment by Dr TC Chang, the head of the Fetal Assessment Unit..

I think the worst scenario would be that the growth of the baby is stagnant and they may suggest to deliver the baby earlier than the scheduled csect..
Keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be well and we can proceed as per the scheduled 19dec..

NB: baby Kadelyn, can u pls b good and grow well & healthily?
That's the only wish daddy n mommy have for u!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Took the day off, and went shopping with dad n sis..
It has been such a long long time since we last went shopping, ever since mom left us..

The main mission of the shopping trip was to buy a gold anklet for bb Kadelyn..

The unit price of the gold is absolutely crazy!! $81 per gram!
Dad didn't want to buy the Disney series anklets since those are of 10k gold n no value at all..

Since its his first grandchild, and it has been mom's wish; so he decided to buy a better one..
Initially was looking at several designs ranging from 2g-4g..
But ended up buying a 6g 916gold anklet!

It's really nice with many small gold heart-shaped, resembling grandpa n grandma love for Kadelyn..