as we count down to Baby Kadelyn's arrival ~!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

- pregnancy countdown -

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Went for the scheduled CTG scan + Full Fetal Scan with Doppler at Thomson Medical Centre this morning..

Everything was good and well for the CTG..
There are 2 ratings with graphs plotted based on the ratings..
1 indicates the Fetal heartbeat while the other indicates the Contraction rate..

Thereafter proceed to do the Fetal assessment with Doppler scan..
Results are not good as the baby is growing at or below the 5th percentile plus there is still high resistance in the doppler blood flow..

Went to Dr KC Yeo (relief gynae) for review of results..
He was very worried with the results and suggested that I go for another Fetal assessment by Dr TC Chang, the head of the Fetal Assessment Unit..

I think the worst scenario would be that the growth of the baby is stagnant and they may suggest to deliver the baby earlier than the scheduled csect..
Keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be well and we can proceed as per the scheduled 19dec..

NB: baby Kadelyn, can u pls b good and grow well & healthily?
That's the only wish daddy n mommy have for u!