as we count down to Baby Kadelyn's arrival ~!

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

27.11.2011: feeling a little more relieved..

I was pretty depressed yday thinking abt csect n the recovery process..
Frankly speaking, I'm not so concerned abt the cut / scar on the bikini line.. In fact, it's a show or symbol of love ive for my bb..

Wat I'm more concerned n worried abt is the recovery process after csectzz
As my skin is super sensitive so m pretty paranoid abt allergies or a longer recovery time..
And definitely I will b at least bed ridden for 2 wks before I can b physically active n hands-on to help out or to learn the ropes...

Of course, my other biggest worry would be difficulty to slim down!!
I've already put on 15kg!!! So fat n ugly n I'm really desperate to lose the fats off my body!!
But with csect, there r so many limitations! I won't be able to start the Jamu massage after delivery! In fact, that is one of the most effective method to flatten the tummy, cure for breast engorgements n burning + breaking down of fats!!
With the wound, I won't be able to do the massage at least 2-3 mths later in case of wound rupture...
Jason has been supportive by saying he will sponsor me for Marine France slimming programme!! Even if he doesn't, I will also use bb's baby bonus!! That's Wat she 'owe' me...

I know no one is at fault, I mean even if a bb has head down n engaged, it may also end up in a csect due to some unforeseen circumstances...
But as a 1st time mommy, it is also the disappointment that I won't be able to deliver my bb naturally..
I wasn't given any options .. ;(

I posted my situation onto the fb grp, and I'm so gladful for the support n sharing frm the mommies..
I guess it's bcoz they can better relate n ustd Wat I'm going thru so it rily makes me feel so much more relieved after reading their replies..

Guess I have to stay positive mentally, physically n emotionally for the sake for myself n bb..
Just hope to deliver a healthy happy bb!

Praying for a smooth delivery n gd afterbirth support!
Hope Jason can rily mark his words m fulfill his role as a gd hubby n daddy!
(n of coz He better fulfill the promises he made at Suntec city last nite!)
Shall invest in a gd binder support in hope of a speedy recovery!!

And as today marks the last Sunday of November : yeah, spring cleaning done!!
appreciate Jason's efforts for everything over the past few Sundays:
frm washing bb clothes, bed sheets, mattress protectors; to cleaning of windows n washing+changing curtains; to wiping the kitchen cabinets n furniture; to scrubbing the 3 toilets to mopping the floor!
Happie to see the hse sparkling clean.. ;))