as we count down to Baby Kadelyn's arrival ~!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

- pregnancy countdown -

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

15.11.2011 : incooperative little rascal


we went to TMC for check-up cum delivery talk by Dr Kee...
was expecting Kadelyn to reach at least 2kg, but based on the measurements against the growth chart, she's only bet 1.68kg  ~ 1.91 kg..
still growing at the 10th percentile...
but seriously, i'm not overly concerned abt her weight now since Dr Kee says that no major concern so as long she is growing!

problem now is that she is in an expected breech postion, with her head on the top left of my tummy -.-"
i was just telling jason to sense her bouging head this mrg when i woke up, and true enugh, she is rily at the position...

i'm already at Wk33, so theroretically speaking, i dont ve much time left...
she gotta turn latest by Wk36 else i will ve to plan for c-sect by wk38 :(

she's really a little rascal!! give mommy so much problems ah...
u r so tiny yet mommy may have to undergo c-sect just bcoz u refused to head down!

i gotta diligently do the cat and dog pose exercise starting from tonite!!

Bb Kadelyn, u better be gd else Daddy gonna smack u when u r out!
Ur 胎教for the next wk will b for u to head down!